You Matter✨

In case those dear to you don’t tell you, that you matter, in case those around you don’t make you feel special, in case your mind plays tricks on you and make you believe that you are worthless, in case you have forgotten; i’m here to let you know that YOU MATTER, YOU ARE SPECIAL, YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!

Here’s my heart to you;

You’re different, you’re unique, there’s is absolutely no one on earth like you, you can not be replaced. You’re genius and you are a rare gem. You’re wonderful, You are best thing that ever happened, You’re valuable and accord yourself the same value. Don’t at any second belittle yourself, don’t allow anything or anyone belittle you. YOU MATTER!

You’re important, you’re special, you are the gift others need, you have good and unique qualities, you’re enough, you’re the best and you deserve to the best and great things in life. Don’t settle for anything less that the best, don’t you dare settle for less than you deserve. YOU MATTER!

You’re the change the world needs, you’ve a priceless contribution to make, you’re the solution, you’re the impact those around are looking for. Don’t believe anything or anyone who tries to make you feel otherwise or believe other wise. Someone somewhere is listening to a song that reminds them of you. YOU MATTER!

You’re loved, you’re love, you’re lovable, you’re loving. Whether you see it or not, believe it or not, Your presence here on earth makes a huge difference, it’s a big deal. You’re beautiful, inside and out, you’ve a beautiful smile, you’re kind. You’re an amazing person, absolutely amazing. You’re a star. Don’t allow yourself to think or believe anything different. YOU MATTER!

You’re a spark, you light up the world. You’ve a purpose here on earth, discover it and live it. You’re significant you’re relevant, you’re worthy, you’re magical. Your existence is a big deal. Never feel like you’re insignificant. You don’t need people or the world to affirm this. YOU MATTER!

Believe it or not, whether you know it or not, your presence puts a smile on someone’s face, your smile gives hope to someone. You have the ability to make a total stranger’s day. Your passion inspires someone, your words uplifts someone. Don’t give up, don’t treat yourself otherwise. YOU MATTER!

You’ve a great amount of potential, you’ve unique talents, you’ve special skills, you’re able and capable. You can do anything and you can become anything you want. You have amazing abilities to make the world a better place. Live your life as best as you can. YOU MATTER!

You’re smart, you’re the future, you’re the difference this world ever needed. You’re the only person who can be you. You’ve something to offer to the world. You have a talent that nobody else has. You have a story to tell and a story to write. You have a voice that deserves to be heard. You have a life, YOU MATTER!

You’re strong, you’re a fighter, you’re a winner, you’re more than a conqueror, you’re a victor. You have the strength to persevere. You have an inner strength that can carry you through. Don’t allow yourself to ever be defeated. YOU MATTER!

You matter | Precious

Published by Precious

✨I am an avid learner and grower. A visionary and a dreamer.✨ life is worthy living and i am here to live it, every single moment✨ i want to make a difference, and do something that makes a difference✨

2 thoughts on “You Matter✨

  1. This post reminded of an Alicia Keys song from the Empire series.

    “You matter. I matter. We matter.” Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

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